Quran House

Surah Al Kahf Benefits

10 Benefits Of Reading & Reciting Surah Kahf

Surah kahf was one of the chapters that tell us the stories of the old nations to benefit from them by understanding their actions and destinies, whether righteous or disbeliever nations.

Surah Alam Nashrah Benefits – Best Lessons Learned!

Benefits of Surah Alam Nashrah - Best Lessons Learned!

Surah alam nashrah is a Makki surah that contains eight verses. It’s called in the Quran surah “Ash-Sharh”. It’s a surah in which Allah addressed prophet Muhammed (PBUH) to support him against the disbelievers.

Surahs Talks About the 99 names of Allah, hijab, And orphans


Surahs Talks About 99 names of Allah? In the Quran, there isn’t a surah containing 99 names of Allah, but surah Al-Mujadilah includes the name of Allah in each verse. This chapter contains 22 verses. It’s the 58th surah of the Quran. There is another chapter in the Quran that includes many names of Allah, […]