Muslim narrated in his Sahih, Hadith 798: On the authority of ‘Aisha, she said: the messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be on him, said: ((The one who excels in reading the Quran is with the holy, righteous honored angels. And the one who reads the Quran and stutters in it and it is difficult for him, he gets to rewards.))
This Hadith is one of the great Ahadith explain the great Reward in reciting the Quran regardless of the status of the reciter. Whoever would read the Quran, he is a winner.
If one’s recitation is perfect and beautiful, Allah will grant him great rewards, and his status is with the holy angels.
However, as for the one who stutters while reading the Quran and it is difficult for him, he gets two rewards:
- A reward for reading the Quran. For each letter ten rewards and Allah multiplies the reward further.
- A reward for trying his best and struggling.
And surely, if he kept reciting the Quran consistently while trying to improve his Quranic recitation and learn Tajweed, he will soon reach the status of being with the holy angels which is greater.