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What happen if I don’t read Quran in my entire life?

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What happen if I don’t read Quran in my entire life? The Quran is considered the holy book in Islam and a primary source of spiritual guidance for Muslims. If an individual does not read the Quran throughout their life, it may have negative effects on their personal and spiritual life. Here are some of the potential consequences.

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What happen if I don’t read Quran in my entire life?

Reading the Qur’an has great merit. It is a light that illuminates our paths with faith, and with it we raise our ranks, for the reciter of the Qur’an has a great reward from the Most Gracious, as stated in a hadith narrated on the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud, may God be pleased with him, who said:-

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Whoever reads is free From the Book of God, it belongs to him Therein is a good deed, and a good deed is ten times the same. 

I do not say “lam” is the letter, but “alif” is the letter, “lam” is the letter, and “mim” is the letter.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari.

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Here’s What happen if I don’t read Quran in my entire life?

  • Loss of Guidance: The Quran provides guidance for Muslims in various aspects of life, including ethics, behavior, and social relations. Not reading it may lead to a loss of this spiritual and moral support.
  • Lack of Religious Understanding: The Quran contains stories and teachings that teach humans how to live a pleasing life before God and people. 
  • Not reading the Quran may result in a lack of proper religious understanding and knowledge of Islamic principles.
  • Weakened Spirituality: Reading the Quran helps strengthen spirituality and fosters a connection with God through reflection on its verses. 
  • Not reading it may weaken spirituality and lead to a disconnection from worship and spiritual contemplation.
  • Loss of Self-Understanding: The Quran can promote self-awareness and reflection on life’s purposes and goals. Not reading it may result in a loss of direction and focus in life.
  • Lack of Inner Peace: Reading the Quran can provide inner peace and psychological comfort. Not reading it may lead to feelings of inner unrest and constant anxiety.
  • Overall, reading the Quran is a source of strength and spiritual guidance for Muslims. Not reading it may lead to the loss of these benefits and have negative impacts on personal and spiritual life.

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The negative psychological effects of What happen if I don’t read Quran in my entire life?

In answer to mentioning the psychological effects that happen What happen if I don’t read Quran in my entire life?They are:- 

  • There is a lot of worry and sadness in life. Life is full of problems and worries, and whoever loses the light of the Qur’an will not be able to stand up to the worries of life.
  • – Darkness of the soul and loneliness of the heart, as the Muslim who migrated to the Book of God feels a darkness within himself, which is reflected in his daily behavior and his general mood.
  • Lack of the blessing of livelihood. He feels that the livelihood, despite its constant abundance, is not blessed at all, and that it is not even enough for his daily livelihood.
  • What happen if I don’t read Quran in my entire life?  Aversion to social relationships.
  • Disturbances, feeling stressed.
  • Depriving the servant of the virtue of reciting and worshiping it: By abandoning the Qur’an, the servant has deprived himself of a great reward and great merit.
  • Deprivation of his intercession for him on the Day of Resurrection: It was stated in the hadith: “Recite the Qur’an, for it will come on the Day of Resurrection as an intercessor for its companions.”
  • Satan and his helpers, including the demons of the jinn and mankind, were defeated:
  • So remembering God Almighty is the best protector for the servant, for God is the best protector and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy.

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Read the Holy Quran daily

Just as we talked about the topic of What happen if I don’t read Quran in my entire life? We will also talk about the positive, relaxing effects of reading the Qur’an:-

– Purity of mind, as the Muslim immerses himself daily in the Holy Qur’an, following its verses and rulings, and the greatness of God in His creation.

– Memory strength; The best thing to organize a Muslim’s memory are the verses of the Holy Qur’an, through contemplation, memorization, and contemplation.

– Tranquility of the heart, as those who recite the Holy Qur’an and memorize its verses live with amazing tranquility, through which they are strengthened to face the difficulties they face.

– A feeling of joy and happiness, which is an authentic fruit of the Muslim’s heart’s attachment to his Creator, by repeating His verses and glorifying Him.

Feeling courageous and strong, and getting rid of fear, sadness, stress, and anxiety. So now you know What happen if I don’t read Quran in my entire life?

– Reading the Holy Qur’an is a strength in the language. The one who lives with the verses of the Qur’an, and the precise eloquence, sweet explanation.

And strong language in them, thus strengthens his language and enriches his vocabulary, especially when he lives with the Qur’an, contemplating its meanings.

– The Qur’an reader’s social relationships with the people around him are regular, as the light of the Qur’an is reflected in his behavior, in words and deeds, making people endeared to him.

And encouraging them to build communicative relationships with him, so he becomes familiar with them, and they become familiar with him.

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The reward of reciting the Holy Quran daily

The entitlement to the intercession of the Qur’an for its companion on the Day of Resurrection: based on his saying – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him :- “Recite the Qur’an, for it will come on the Day of Resurrection as an intercessor for its companions,” Sahih Muslim.

– The reciter of the Qur’an has ten good deeds for every letter: according to the words of the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace :- 

“Whoever recites a letter from the Book of God will have a good deed for it, and a good deed is multiplied ten times as much. 

I do not say that (M) is a letter, but (Alif) is a letter and (Lam) is a letter. (Meem) is a letter,” the hadith of Hasan.

– Its companion deserves high ranks in Paradise: He – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “It will be said to the one who recited the Qur’an: 

Read and ascend, and recite as you used to recite in this world, for your station is at the last verse you recite.” Its chain of transmission is Hassan.

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Finally, God Almighty told us about What happen if I don’t read Quran in my entire life? And also the impact of the Holy Qur’an on the souls of His faithful servants. We talked in this article to shed light on the most important means by which the believer achieves being influenced by God’s clear verses. It also identifies the obstacles that prevent this influence, and reveals part of the The fruits attained by those who are influenced by the Holy Qur’an.



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